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دانلود رایگان مقالات ISI با ترجمه فارسی

دانلود رایگان مقالات انگلیسی ISI برای رشته های مدیریت، حسابداری، کامپیوتر، مهندسی برق، اقتصاد، کشاورزی، پزشکی، عمران، معماری و سایر رشته ها از نشریات معتبر همچون الزویر، امرالد، اسپرینگر، IEEE به همراه

شکل گیری بلور نیتریل هیدراتاس - مقاله ترجمه شده

عنوان فارسی مقاله: شکل گیری بلور یک نیتریل هیدراتاس دارای حساسیت به نور ازRhodococcus sp. N-771

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Crystallization of a photosensitive nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی شکل گیری بلور یک نیتریل هیدراتاس دارای حساسیت به نور ازRhodococcus sp. N-771 و خرید ترجمه فارسی آن با فرمت ورد اینجا کلیک نمایید



کلمات کلیدی :

PHOTOSENSITIVE PHENOMENA OF NITRILE HYDRATASE OF ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1751-1097.1990.tb01687.x/fullby T Nagamune - ‎1990 - ‎Cited by 49 - ‎Related articlesN-771 were incubated at 5°C in the dark under aerobic condition, their nitrile hydratase was inactivated after several days. Most of this activity was recovered by ...Biochemical Engineering for 2001: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific ...https://books.google.com/books?isbn=4431681809Shintaro Furusaki, ‎Isao Endo, ‎Ryuichi Matsuno - 2012 - ‎Technology & EngineeringNagamune T, Honda J, Cho W, Teratani Y, Kamiya N, Hirata A, Sasabe H, Endo I (1991) Crystallization of a photosensitive nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus ...Crystallization of a photosensitive nitrile hydratase ... - MBBSdost.commbbsdost.com/Crystallization-photosensitive-nitrile-hydratase.../9428928Crystallization of a photosensitive nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771. Journal of molecular biology A photosensitive nitrile hydratase from ...Nitrile Hydratase: Investigation of Its Light-Induced Activation ...https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-4-431-68180-9_18by J Honda - ‎1992 - ‎Related articlesNagamune T, Honda J, Cho W, Teratani Y, Kamiya N, Hirata A, Sasabe H, Endo I (1991) Crystallization of a photosensitive nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus ...Nitrile Hydratase: Investigation of Its Light- Induced ... - Springer Linkhttps://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-4-431-68180-9_18.pdfThe nitrile hydratase (NHase) hydrates various nitrile compounds to the ... been making various approaches in the investigation of this photosensitive mechanism, one of the ... the 2 crystal systems, orthorhombic crystals have 2 molecules per ...

پلیمر الکترو پلیمریزاسیون مولکول دارو - مقاله ترجمه شده

عنوان فارسی مقاله: دریافت SPR پلیمر نشانده شده مولکولی پلیمریزاسیون الکتریکی (E-MIP) مولکول های دارو: ترتیوفین کمپلکس پیش پلیمریزاسیون و مونومرهای الکترو اکتیو کربازول

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Electropolymerization molecularly imprinted polymer (E-MIP) SPR sensing of drug molecules: Pre-polymerization complexed terthiophene and carbazole electroactive monomers

ادامه مطلب ...

تصفیه پساب از طریق لخته سازی الکتریکی - مقاله ترجمه شده

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

انرژی پایین شکست هیدرولیکی تصفیه پساب از طریق نیروی جریان متناوب لخته سازی الکتریکی با بیوکار

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered electrocoagulation with biochar

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی انرژی پایین شکست هیدرولیکی تصفیه پساب از طریق نیروی جریان متناوب لخته سازی الکتریکی با بیوکار و خرید ترجمه فارسی آن با فرمت ورد اینجا کلیک نمایید



کلمات کلیدی :

Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered ... https://www.infona.pl/.../bwmeta1.element.elsevier-6d2eca15-4a0d-3c0b-b900-7411f2b... by FL Lobo - ‎2016 - ‎Related articles The first AC-powered electrocoagulation with biochar media. • The AC and biochar operation dramatically reduced energy consumption by 70%. • The process ... Hutcherson_colostate_0053N_12878.pdf - DSpace Home - Colorado ... https://dspace.library.colostate.edu/.../Hutcherson_colostate_0053N_12878.pdf?sequenc... by JR Hutcherson - ‎2015 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles of water are required to hydraulically fracture a horizontal well. ... Before flowback and produced water can be reused, treatment of the water is required. ... time component to water quality changes over the life of a well. ...... EC was used to treat municipal wastewater to study effects on microfiltration (Pouet and Persin. 1992 ... Recent Applications of Electrocoagulation in Treatment of Water and ... https://www.scirp.org/journal/papercitationdetails.aspx?PaperID=31993...512 [1], Electro-coagulation A Novel Treatment of Wastewater: A Review. NULL ... [13], Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered ... Fernanda Lobo - Google Scholar Citations scholar.google.com/citations?user=9WiTtOcAAAAJ&hl=en AC power generation from microbial fuel cells. FL Lobo ... Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered electrocoagulation with biochar. M. Tyler Huggins - Google Scholar Citations scholar.google.com/citations?user=UZjABqYAAAAJ&hl=en PhD, University of Colorado Boulder - ‎colorado.edu Granular biochar compared with activated carbon for wastewater treatment and ... Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered ... NSF Award Search: Award#1445084 - PFI:AIR - TT: Microbial ... https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1445084 Aug 13, 2014 - "Low-energy Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater Treatment via AC Powered Electrocoagulation with Biochar," Journal of Hazardous Materials, ... Patent US8347960 - Method for using electrocoagulation in hydraulic ... www.google.com/patents/US8347960 Jan 8, 2013 - EC treatment separates the water from other fracturing fluid ... to prevent current spikes in the AC output provided by the variable power supply; ... fracturing fluid during the EC treatment process to facilitate effluent flocculation. Zhiyong Jason Ren: Home - University of Colorado Boulder spot.colorado.edu/~zhre0706/research.html Low-energy Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater Treatment via AC Powered Electrocoagulation with Biochar, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 309,180-184.