عنوان فارسی مقاله: |
نظریه کدگذاری جبری |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
Algebraic Coding Theory |
تصویب یادداشتها
2 اقدامات اولیه
2.1 شرایط
2.2 کدهای مقدماتی
2.3 سنجش و مقایسه بازده کدها
3 نظریه کد گذاری جبری
3.1.کدهای خطی
3.2.کدهای چرخه ای
3.3. CRC32 – یک نمونه ی دنیای واقعی
1. 4 نتیجه گیری
کلمات کلیدی :
An Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory | SpringerLinkhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-48895-5_20by G Longo - 1976 - Cited by 2 - Related articlesAbstract. The following is a short introduction to some aspects of that part of coding and decoding theory which uses algebraic tools, and is therefore called ...Algebraic Coding Theory (Revised Edition): Elwyn R Berlekamp ...https://www.amazon.com/Algebraic-Coding-Theory-Revised.../dp/9814635898This is the revised edition of Berlekamp's famous book, "Algebraic Coding Theory", originally published in 1968, wherein he introduced several algorithms which ...[PDF]Introduction to Coding Theory - Harvard Math Departmentwww.math.harvard.edu/~gsmith/vanLint.pdfJul 2, 2016 - E.R. Berlekamp's Algebraic. Coding Theory (reference [2]) is a must. For a very well-written mixture of information theory and coding theory I ...Algebraic Coding Theory -- from Wolfram MathWorldmathworld.wolfram.com › Discrete Mathematics › Coding TheoryAlgebraic Coding Theory. SEE: Coding Theory. Wolfram Web Resources. Mathematica ». The #1 tool for creating Demonstrations and anything technical.Algebraic Coding Theory (PDF Download Available) - ResearchGatehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/230344314_Algebraic_Coding_TheoryOfficial Full-Text Paper (PDF): Algebraic Coding Theory.Searches related to Algebraic Coding Theoryalgebraic coding theory berlekamp pdfalgebraic coding theory pdfcoding theory lecture notescoding theory mathematicsintroduction to algebraic coding theoryapplication of coding theorycoding theory bookintroduction to coding theory