عنوان فارسی مقاله: | پاسخ های جامعه پلانکتون در حوضچه های پرورش گربه ماهی آبراهه خاکی تحت رژیم های کوددهی مختلف |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: | Plankton community responses in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes |
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3.2. رنگدانه های گیاهی
3.3. پلانکتون جانوری یا زئوپلانکتون
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کلمات کلیدی :
Aquaculture Pond Fertilization: Impacts of Nutrient Input on Production https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1118329414 Charles C. Mischke - 2012 - Technology & Engineering Plankton community responses in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes. Aquaculture 233: 219–235. Mischke, C.C., M.H. Li, ... Evaluation of Zooplankton in Hatchery Diets for Channel Catfish Fry ... tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1577/A08-029.1?src=recsys Zooplankton from channel catfish nursery ponds contain 65% crude protein and .... in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes. Charles Mischke - Google Scholar Citations https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zlxUDQsAAAAJ&hl... Translate this page Research Professor, Aquaculture, Mississippi State University - drec.msstate.edu Plankton community responses in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes. CC Mischke, PV Zimba. Aquaculture 233 (1) ... Charles Mischke - Библиографски описания в Google Наука https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zlxUDQsAAAAJ&hl... Translate this page Research Professor, Aquaculture, Mississippi State University - drec.msstate.edu Plankton community responses in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes. CC Mischke, PV Zimba. Aquaculture 233 (1) ... Finfish Aquaculture Diversification - Page 232 - Google Books Result https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1845934946 Nathalie R. Le François, Malcolm Jobling, Chris Carter - 2010 - Science The US Market for Farm-raised Catfish: An Overview of Consumer, Supermarket ... in earthen channel catfish nursery ponds under various fertilization regimes.