عنوان فارسی مقاله: | مدیریت تراکم با استفاده از پاسخگویی بار و ادواتFACTS |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
Congestion management using demand response and FACTS devices |
1- مقدمه
1-1 – انگیزه و روش
1-2-مشارکت و مرور مقاله
1-3-سازماندهی مقاله
2- فرمولاسیون مزایده پاسخگویی بار
2-1 : تخصیص پاسخگویی بار
2-2 : مدل اقتصادی بار کششی
2-2-1 : نمای کلی
فرمول تصویه یا پاکسازی بازار
3-1 : نمای کلی روش تصویه بازار
3-2 : گام اول : تعیین قیمت بازار
3-3 : فرمولاسون مدیریت تراکم
3-4 : روش بهینه سازی سراسری
مطالعات نمونه
4-1 : اطلاعات
4-2 : نتایج و بحث
نتیجه گیری
پیوست A.1 : مدل استاتیک TCSC
پیوست A.2 : مدل استاتیکی SVC
کلمات کلیدی :
[PDF]Congestion management using demand response and FACTS deviceswww.ucalgary.ca/.../2012-a.-yousefi-congestion-management-using-demand-respons...Congestion management using demand response and FACTS devices. 1. 2. A. Yousefi 1*, T.T Nguyen 1, H.zareipour 2, MO.P Malik2. 3. 1-University of Western ...[PDF]Demand Response and Electricity Market Efficiency - Carnegie Mellon ...www.cmu.edu/gdi/docs/demand-response.pdfby K Spees - Cited by 278 - Related articlesCustomer response is a neglected way of solving electricity industry ... of demand as facts of life. ..... Table 2: Market Operator Demand Response Programs.an economic analysis of time-based demand response programs and ...www.arpnjournals.org/jeas/research_papers/rp_2016/jeas_1016_5084.pdfby AABM Zin - 2006 - Cited by 1 - Related articlesPROGRAMS AND FACTS DEVICES IMPLEMENTATION FOR ... time-based Demand Response (DR) programs, and Generation Redispatch (GR) in short-term ...[PDF]Demand Response and Why It's Important - PJM.comhttps://www.pjm.com/~/media/markets-ops/dsr/end-use-customer-fact-sheet.ashxRetail Electricity Consumer Opportunities for Demand Response ... Demand Response does not include the reduction of electricity consumption based on ...Congestion management using demand response and FACTS devicesresearch-repository.uwa.edu.au/.../congestion-management-using-demand-response-a...Research Repository Home · Research outputs; Congestion management using demand response and FACTS devices. Congestion management using ...