عنوان فارسی مقاله: |
ارزیابی پایداری ولتاژ در حضور ادوات D-FACTS واقع در مکان های بهینه |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
Voltage Stability Assessment in the Presence of Optimally Placed D-FACTS Devices |
1. مقدمه
2. تحلیل حساسیتهای امپدانس خط
3. الف. معادلات و یادداشت
ب. حساسیتهای ماتیس ادمیتانس
ج. تزریق توان و حساسیتهای متغیر حالت
4. شناسائی مکانهای موثر D-FACTS
5. توسعه سیستم معادل دو باس
6. محاسبه شاخص پایداری کلی ولتاژ
7. الگوریتم
8. شبیهسازی و بحث
9. نتیجهگیری
کلمات کلیدی :
D-FACTS Devices - PowerWorldhttps://www.powerworld.com/WebHelp/Content/...HTML/DFACTS_Devices.htmDistributed Flexible AC Transmission System (D-FACTS) devices or "smart wires" change the effective line impedance of the transmission line on which they are ...[PDF]D-FACTS Devices in PowerWorld Simulatorhttps://www.powerworld.com/files/clientconf2014/07Weber_DFACTS.pdfsee which D-FACTS lines respond for each contingency. • Placing D-FACTS devices on lines with the worst contingency overload can significantly improve the.Optimal placement of FACTS controller scheme for enhancement of ...www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2314717215000392by I Khan - 2015 - Cited by 1 - Related articlesThree main generic types of FACTS devices are introduced. .... Where in the system should it be placed? .... (5) Q G i − ( Q D i b + λ K D i S Δ base sin ϕ i ) = ∑ j = 1 n V i V j Y i j sin ( δ i − δ j − θ i j ) = − V i 2 B i i + ∑ j = 1 ≠ 1 n V i V j Y i j sin ( δ i ...Placement of D-FACTS in Distribution Network with the ...technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARPEPS/article/view/378In order to have increased DGs capacity and to maintain the voltage profile in permissible limits D-FACTs devices have been placed optimally, according to the ...[PDF]Voltage Stability Assessment in the Presence of Optimally Placed D ...isiarticles.com/bundles/Article/pre/pdf/53190.pdfOptimally Placed D-FACTS Devices. Abhishek Rathi, Abhishek Sadda, Lalit Nebhnani, Vaivaswat Manu Maheshwari, Vinod S. Pareek. Department of Electrical ...[PDF]Placement of D-FACTs in Distribution Network with ... - Krishi-Sanskritiwww.krishisanskriti.org/vol_image/10Sep201511094942.pdfby K Sharma - Related articleshave increased DGs capacity and to maintain the voltage profile in permissible limits D-FACTs devices have been placed optimally, according to the ranking of ...[PDF]transient stability improvement by d-facts devices with auxilary neurowww.jee.ro/covers/art.php?issue=WC1381652728W525a58f8c72f3devices. The D-FACTS devices can provide a higher performance and lower cost method for enhancing ... The DSSC is placed in series to the transmission.Searches related to Placed D-FACTS Devicesd day factsfun facts