عنوان فارسی مقاله: |
طراحی نرم افزار محیط مجازی محاسبات توزیع شده |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
The Software Architecture of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment |
1. مقدمه
2. مروری بر طراحی نرم افزار VDCE
2-1- ویرایشگر برنامه
2-2- زمانبند برنامه
2-2-1- الگوریتم های اصلی زمانبندی
2-3- سیستم زمان اجرای VDCE
2-3-1- مدیر کنترل
2-3-2- مدیر داده
3. نتیجه گیری
کلمات کلیدی :
A distributed virtual laboratory architecture for cybersecurity training ...ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6148474/by C Willems - 2011 - Cited by 14 - Related articlesA distributed virtual laboratory architecture for cybersecurity training. Abstract: The rapid burst of Internet usage and the corresponding growth of security risks ...[PDF]SQMD: Architecture for Scalable, Distributed Database System built on ...dsc.soic.indiana.edu/publications/SQMD2.pdfby K Kim - Cited by 5 - Related articlesThe system architecture makes use of a software partitioning of the database ... databases are distributed over multiple virtual private servers by fragmenting the ...Distributed shared memory - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_shared_memoryIn computer science, distributed shared memory (DSM) is a form of memory architecture where ... in an operating system, or as a programming library and can be thought of as extensions of the underlying virtual memory architecture.AdAWS Step Functions - Get Started For FreeAdaws.amazon.com/step-functionsCoordinate Components of Distributed Apps & Microservices w/ AWS Step FunctionsFree Tier · Easy-to-Use · Manage at ScaleFAQsProduct DetailsPricingSearches related to Architecture of a Virtual Distributedvmware distributed switch vs standard switchvmware distributed switch licensewhat is vmware distributed switchvmware distributed switch explainedfunctions of the i/o plane in a virtual distributed switch architecturevmware distributed switch configurationidentify the functions of the i/o plane in a virtual distributed switch architecture?vmware distributed switch best practices