عنوان فارسی مقاله: | شارژ هوشمند خودرو و عملیات اتصال خودرو به شبکه |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: | Electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid operation |
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برنامه ریزی شارژ
اتصال خودرو به شبکه
ساختار سیستم
نگاه کلی
نرم افزار پرتال خودرو الکتریکی
میان افزار تجمیع پارکینگ
برنامه ریزی شارژ مجتمِع
نگاه کلی
توصیف الگوریتم
برنامه ریزی شارژ
عملیات V2G
نگاه کلی
چیدمان شبیه سازی
برنامه ریزی شارژ
سود V2G
نتیجه گیری
کلمات کلیدی :
Electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid operation dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2466756 by S Mal - 2013 - Cited by 53 - Related articles Jun 1, 2013 - Electric vehicle EV charging must be optimised for grid load while guaranteeing that drivers' schedules and range requirements are met. Technology roadmap for smart electric vehicle-to-grid (V2G) of ... https://innovation-entrepreneurship.springeropen.com/articles/10.../s13731-016-0043-y by TU Daim - 2016 - Cited by 2 - Related articles Mar 31, 2016 - Charging and V2G services must be optimized for grid load while ..... Electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid operation. International ... [PDF]Vehicle-to-Grid Implementation and Optimal Charging ... - HKU EEE https://www.eee.hku.hk/doc/ccchan/Smart_Charging_Strategy.pdf by L Jian - 2014 - Cited by 28 - Related articles A scenario of vehicle-to-grid implementation and its double-layer optimal .... power grid, as well as reduce its overall operating cost and carbon emission. Electric Vehicle (EV) Integration into Smart Grid of the Future smartgrid.ucla.edu/projects_evgrid.html EVSmartplug™ is the smart electric receptacle for EV charging using the WINSmartEV™ network. ... Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) research at UCLA SMERC is focused on ... of local power system by managing the charging operations of the EVs. Electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid operation (PDF ... https://www.researchgate.net/.../254254547_Electric_vehicle_smart_charging_and_vehi... Electric vehicle (EV) charging must be optimised for grid load while guaranteeing that drivers' schedules and range requirements are met. A system ... Searches related to charging and vehicle-to-grid operation vehicle to grid technology vehicle to grid ppt vehicle to grid technology pdf nissan vehicle to grid vehicle to grid tesla vehicle to home vehicle to grid integration how does vehicle to grid work