نوان فارسی مقاله: | کنترل توپولوژی MANET براساس درجه گره و آستانه تشخیص انرژی |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
MANET Topology Control Based on theNode Degree and Energy Detection Threshold |
1. مقدمه
2. روش پیشنهادی
A. کنترل توپولوژی با کنترل توان
B. طرح کنترل
3. شبیه سازیها
4. نتایج شبیه سازی
5. بحث
6. نتیجه گیری
کلمات کلیدی :
draft-ogier-manet-tbrpf-00 - Topology Broadcast based on Reverse ...https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ogier-manet-tbrpfAbstract Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding (TBRPF) is a link-state routing protocol designed for use in a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) ...[PDF]Topology and mobility considerations in mobile ad hoc networks - NSMnsm1.cs.uwaterloo.ca/rboutaba/Papers/Journals/Archive/adhoc-05.pdfby B Ishibashi - 2005 - Cited by 74 - Related articlesApr 28, 2004 - ogy is stable. In a MANET, mobile nodes act not only as end systems, but also as routing devices. The topology of the network is dependent on ...Discovering the network topology of a MANET - Infoscience - EPFLhttps://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/49930/files/Thu03by D Cavin - 2003 - Related articlesDiscovering the network topology of a MANET. Stefan Thurnherr, 6th semester SSC stefan.thurnherr@epfl.ch. Project Advisor. David Cavin. EPFL-LSR-IC.[PDF]Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative ...www.csit.carleton.ca/~fyu/...files/Papers/IEEEWMag2012.pdfby Q Guan - Cited by 71 - Related articlesIn this paper, we propose a Capacity-Optimized COoperative (COCO) topology control scheme to improve the network capacity in MANETs by jointly considering ...[PDF]A Comparative Study of Topology and Position Based Routing ... - ijarcstwww.ijarcst.com/doc/vol2-issue2/rajesh.pdfby IBR Umashankar - 2014 - Cited by 1 - Related articlesprotocols are based on two types: Topology based and position based routing protocols in briefly. II. Routing Protocols In Manet. To route the packet from one ...[PDF]To Enhance the Network Capacity in MANET using COCO Topology ...www.ijcscn.com/Documents/Volumes/vol3issue5/ijcscn2013030508.pdfTo Enhance the Network Capacity in MANET using COCO Topology Control. Protocol. S.Kaveri hema. V.Ramsundhar. Dept of computer science and ...Cluster topology formation in Manet: A mathematical model approach ...ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5580300/by J Bravo - 2010 - Cited by 3 - Related articlesAbstract: In this work we present a model to simulate high traffic load using Manet. The Manet topology is studied in three different scenarios with different loads ...Searches related to MANET Topologymanet networkmanet applicationsmanet pdfcharacteristics of manetmanet routing protocolsmanet introductionad hoc network definitiontypes of manet