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Stress-strain model for concrete under cyclic loading |
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مدل تنش-کرنش فشاری پیشنهادی برای بتن تحت بارگذاری چرخه ای
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کلمات کلیدی :
stress-strain model of frp-confined concrete under cyclic ... - IIFCwww.iifc.org/proceedings/APFIS_2015/Confinement/p-092.pdfDec 16, 2015 - This paper presents a stress-strain model for FRP-confined concrete ... A complete stress-strain model for concrete under cyclic loading ...[PDF]Confined concrete model under cyclic load - Penn State Engineeringwww.engr.psu.edu/amr_elnashai/docs/JournalArticles/40%20Martinez-Rueda.pdfunder increasing cyclic strain. The proposed model is validated by comparing analytical predictions with experimental results of reinforced concrete members.[PDF]An investigation of stress-strain behavior of FRP-confined concrete ...www.iust.ac.ir/ijce/files/site1/user_files.../eng/abbasnia-A-10-93-2-810d2c624.pdfby R Abbasnia - 2012 - Cited by 10 - Related articlesThey also suggested a model for predicting the stress- strain behavior of FRP-confined concrete under cyclic compressive loadings. The accuracy of current ...[PDF]Stress-Strain Behavior of Concrete Under Cyclic Loadingftp://ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/.../CE676%20References%20Behavior%20of%20Reinforced...by BY Bahn - 1998 - Cited by 125 - Related articlesStrain Ratio. Fig. 6—Stress-strain response to random cyclic loading. Fig. ... reason, the present modeling of concrete under general cy- clic loading is initiated to ...Stress–strain model for concrete under cyclic loading - PlumXhttps://plu.mx/uwa-au/a/?doi=10.1680/macr.11.00120Stress–strain model for concrete under cyclic loading. Citation data: Magazine of Concrete Research, ISSN: 0024-9831, Vol: 64, Issue: 8, Page: 673-685.[PDF]modeling concrete behavior under reversed cyclic loadinghttps://www.irbnet.de/daten/iconda/CIB13655.pdfby H Dabbagh - Related articlesthe stress-strain response of concrete under cyclic loading. The experiment was under taken on a series of 48 tests that were performed on concrete cylinders ...