عنوان فارسی مقاله: | محیط آموزشی رایانش ابری |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: |
1 مقدمه
2 سیستم های یادگیری الکترونیک
3 محیط رایانش ابری
4 مزایای ابر آموزشی
5 چالش های ابر آموزشی
6 تامین کنندگان اصلی ابر آموزشی
7 نتیجه گیری
کلمات کلیدی :
[PDF]AISC 173 - An Overview of E-Learning in Cloud Computing - SCI2ssci2s.ugr.es/sites/default/files/.../1546_2012-LTEC-Fernandez-E-Learning_CC.pdfby A Fernández - Cited by 55 - Related articlesThe Cloud Computing environment rises as a natural platform to provide ... The Electronic Learning, better known as E-Learning [13], is defined as an Internet-.[PDF]Cloud Computing in Education - Crucial Cloud Hostinghttps://www.crucial.com.au/pdf/Cloud_Computing_in_Education.pdfMar 12, 2014 - of cloud computing in education, with an aim to provide an all-encompassing .... collaborative environments and mission critical applications.Searches related to CLOUD COMPUTING EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTcloud computing in education pdfcloud computing in education research paperrole of cloud computing in educationimportance of cloud computing in education”cloud computing in education system”applications of cloud computing in educationadvantages of cloud computing in educationcloud computing for education a new dawn