عنوان فارسی مقاله: | استاندارد سازی و تطبیق فعالیتهای ترکیب بازاریابی بین المللی: مطالعه موردی |
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: | Standardization and Adaptation of International Marketing Mix Activities: A Case Study |
1. مقدمه
2. تعریف بازاریابی بینالمللی
3. ترکیب بازاریابی بینالمللی
4. طرح تحقیق
4.1 روش و نمونهبرداری
4.2 گردآوری دادهها
4.3 تحلیل دادهها
5. نتایج
5.1 تحلیل SWOT صنعت مبل سازی در ترکیه
5.2 جایگاه بخش بازاریابی بینالمللی
5.3 فرآیند بینالمللی سازی
5.4.فعالیتهای ترکیب بازاریابی بینالمللی
6.تشریح مطالب و نتیجهگیری
کلمات کلیدی :
PDF]Standardization/Adaptation of Marketing Solutions in ... - CiteSeerX citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= by M Alimiené - Cited by 46 - Related articles ... same marketing mix in the whole global market, but standardization is often of no ..... the marketing mix in various markets of activities, later supplementing this ... Standardization and customization - SlideShare www.slideshare.net/Hjyotsana/standardization-and-customization Jan 1, 2014 - The global challenge Global market size: standardization Local differentiation: ... Standarization versus Adaptation Arabic read right to left Chinese ... Global Marketing Marketing Mix Element Standardization Product Big Mac .... Introduction Global versus “regular” marketing Scope of activities are ... [PDF]marketing mix across cultures: standardization or adaptation - Theseus https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/.../Nguyen_Le_Thuy_Dung.pdf?...1 by LTD Nguyen - 2011 - Cited by 1 - Related articles FIGURE 5. Standardization and adaptation of the international marketing mix. .... activities to attract customers outside the national frontiers and survive in highly. International Marketing Strategy: Standardization versus Adaptation ... www.academia.edu/.../International_Marketing_Strategy_Standardization_versus_Ad... The debate on the standardization and adaptation of marketing strategy is not new, ... in the international market is to use the mix of standardization and adaptation .... technical and activities legal issues b) Duplication of the activities within the ... Searches related to Standardization and Adaptation of International Marketing Mix Activities standardization and adaptation in international marketing standardization vs adaptation examples advantages of adaptation in international marketing product adaptation in international marketing examples standardization in international marketing advantages and disadvantages of product adaptation advantages and disadvantages of standardization in international marketing standardization and adaptation in international marketing pdf